Level Mountain Home Care is a private-pay, Senior Home Care Services Organization. Health insurance, as well as Medicare, and Medicaid benefits DO NOT cover these Senior Home Care Services.
Families usually rely on personal savings, pensions, Social Security benefits, home equity, or reverse mortgages to cover Home Care Services. More “non-traditional” sources may include annuities, trusts, and stock liquidations. Some life insurance policies may have an “accelerated death benefit” that can provide cash advances while the policy holder is still living. The money received up-front is subtracted from the total amount the beneficiaries receive upon death.
We understand the difficult decisions that families face when the need for Home Care Services is introduced. Please feel free to Contact Us with any questions or concerns that you may have regarding these matters. We will help you explore your options, explain the issues to other family members, or simply be a compassionate ear to listen to your concerns. When you partner with Level Mountain Home Care for Senior Home Care Services, we all become family!